Hanna works in a generative design agency, curating AI-developed branding when her life takes an unexpected turn. Upon realizing that her coworker-turned-love-interest has engaged in the greatest act of intellectual property theft in history, she’s pulled into a world of AI manipulation, mixed reality, and otherworldly art installations. After failed kidnapping attempts, extortion, and violence they find themselves risking everything to expose how the algorithm underpinning the global ... [Read More...]

Free: The Courting Series

Meet the women and men who work at Luxxor Limited, a high-end escort service. The company caters to the wealthy by matching them with escorts who are as smart, mannered, and cultured as they are beautiful. The one limitation in Luxxor’s contracts? No sex allowed. Except, of course, if the contact is mutually acceptable. Free to $4.99 on Kindle. Learn More ... [Read More...]

Make Peace With Anxiety: Manage the Good, Bad and Out of Control

Are you struggling with anxiety and depression and looking to improve your mental health? It is time to make peace with anxiety! Emotions are an essential part of being human—anxiety included. Anxiety appears when the mind determines it is necessary to handle certain moments, situations, or at the perceived appropriate time. However, if anxiety manifests as excessive worrying leading to unreasonable fear, unhealthy behaviors, or physical pain, there is a problem. The good news is anxiety won�... [Read More...]

Conversations with Ayahuasca

  When All Known Roads Lead to a Dead End, It Is Time to Explore the Unknowable In Conversations with Ayahuasca, author Ol Serbon describes how a series of four annual journeys to the Amazon jungle to partake in Indigenous shamanic ceremonies involving the entheogenic beverage ayahuasca were a catalyst for healing issues in her life and body that were troubling her and entirely altering her perception of reality. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Fitter Faster: The Smart Way to Get in Shape in Just Minutes a Day

A lifetime of fitness in just minutes a day. I don’t have time . . . I’m too tired . . . I hate gyms . . . These are among the most common excuses for not exercising. But the truth is that getting in shape requires less time and effort than you might think. Examining everything from pre-workout stretches to post-workout protein shakes, this science-backed book slices through fitness fads and misconceptions to reveal how you can exercise quickly and effectively. For example, is it be... [Read More...]

The Book of Souls

Jack Kelly, a 47 year old man, remembers everything about his wife and children, but that was his life before his near-death experience. When he awakens, he finds that he’s his thirteen-year-old self with the ability to read people’s minds, recall their pasts, smell their feelings and fears, see and hear dead people, demons, ghosts, and shadowy creatures. Jack begins his journey to find out why and how. And, in the end, he resolves to find his way back to his true existence, back to his fam... [Read More...]

Never Say Invisible

Jeremy Schreiber was on top of the world—athletic, newly married, successful. And then something went terribly wrong. In this moving memoir, Jeremy shares his journey after he received a terrifying diagnosis: ALS. As this devastating disease robs him of movement and speech, he is abandoned by his wife and betrayed by a society that shuns people with disabilities. But it’s not all doom and gloom. He finds love, support, and a powerful purpose to share with the world. Smart, clever, and humor... [Read More...]