Free: First Designer In

For UX & Product Designers at startups, and the Founders who love them — The first design hire at a startup does more than just design. They’re tasked with introducing “User Experience Design” to the company and building up a team of UX designers from scratch. First Designer In, isn’t yet another design book. It’s a vital guide on how to thrive as a startup’s first design hire. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Scotch Soulmate

I’m falling for my enemy, and things are getting hot fast. They say a man can’t fight City Hall, but they haven’t met me yet. When the land the ranch needs to expand is sold to build a new prison instead, there’s no way I’m going to let that ride. The only problem is, my nemesis is the one in charge. She’s a ball-busting bureaucrat who just happens to be the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. She’s also a single mother whose pre-teen son is just hitting his rebellious phase. Some tim... [Read More...]

Organize Your Digital Life: How to Become a Minimalist “Digitally”, Build Another Brain and Live a Focused Life without Distractions in 21 Days with Practical Exercises

Learn How To Manage Your Social Media and Organize Your Digital world To Connect with Your Inner Self, Control Your Technology, Have More Fun, And re-Discover the Offline World NOW! Are you sick and tired of digital clutter, increasing world distractions and overwhelming social media pressure? Have you tried countless other solutions to take back control of your life but nothing seems to work? Do you finally want to say goodbye to distractions, digital noise and overwhelming social media life a... [Read More...]

MKM: Mecha Kaiju Mars

In 2080 Mars has a beautiful colony with an idyllic life for its teenagers – until the aliens arrive. Monstrous kaiju lead a huge alien army assaulting the colony and killing the adult mecha pilots, leaving the defense of the colony in the hands of unproven teenagers. Check out this space opera by genre novelist Dalton Lewis. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Catching Currents

“Historical fiction at its very best . . . lots of laughs to go along with it.” Amazon Reviewer Unexpected attractions develop when Sally and her brother Will from sophisticated Boston encounter adventurous Caroline and her brother Teddie from the rugged Colorado frontier. But their courtships are soon ended as they find themselves pulled apart by vastly different ambitions. Yet as the thwarted lovers attempt to make their own way in a rapidly changing, turn-of-the-century nation, they find... [Read More...]

Daughters Grow up Feeding on Mother’s Emotions: Self-Recovery Guide to Heal the Love-Hate Relationship between Mothers and Daughters, and How to Protect our Daughters from Emotional Legacy

“Mother is Mother, Daughter is Daughter” – A self-recovery guide for all mothers and daughters by a psychoanalytic expert – How mothers can reclaim their lives as an independent women and human beings Why do mothers turn more to their daughters than sons when feeling upset or distressed? Why do mothers look upon their happily married daughters with not just pride but a hint of jealousy? Why do daughters, when thinking about their mothers, feel gratitude as well as guilt and rese... [Read More...]

The History of Ukraine and Russia: The Tangled History That Led to Crisis

The 2022 War in Ukraine has been Breaking News since it began. Have you been feeling bewildered about how a civilized world can explode into conflict? Journalist and author, Marc Miles Vaughn, gives you an insight into history unlike any history professor’s. This book is for anyone who wants to read history in order to understand the present. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]