Free: New Neighbor Nikki (A Mike and Melanie Escapade, Book 2)

Sexy fun! A get-together with a new neighbor ends up with Mel and Mike being guests on her by-subscription-only web show, Nikki Does Toys. But it’s what happens after the show is over that will make readers blush. No problem for Mike and Melanie, though – they’re always up for a little hanky-panky! Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Master Cook And The Maiden

Vengeance…or love? Will Alfwen have to choose between them? And what part will the handsome Master Cook, Swein, play in her life? Thrust into a convent against her will by her selfish brother, Walter, Alfwen hears nothing more from him for eight long years. But one fateful day, Walter’s dog, Teazel, appears at Saint Hilda’s convent. Around his neck he carries the dark message, “Avenge me.” Alfwen now knows Walter is dead, possibly murdered. He demands vengeance from the sister he wron... [Read More...]

Free: Unsolved True Crime – 10 Frightening Cases of Mystery, Murder & Mayhem (The Ones You’ve Never Heard of) Volume 2

The author of ‘Unsolved Serial Killers’ is back with the second volume in the new series ‘Unsolved True Crime.’ Step into the tragic lives of these victims and find out what happened to them…after you lock your doors. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: The Seven Magnificent Mind-sets of Success: Adventures with the Magnificent Mind-set Man

The adventure story of a geologist, Roger Hunt, who bemoans and lives with the loss of his family, which resulted from a fatefully lengthy battle with his devils, and of a chance reunion with an old acquaintance and alter ego that eventually leads him back to the Alaskan wilderness, ten years ago during his excursion, is told in “The Seven Magnificent Mind-Sets of Success: Adventures With The Magnificent Mind-Man.” by Russ Hamblin. One of several things that makes this book valuable... [Read More...]

The Price of Safety

By 2047, no crime in America goes unsolved. No wrongdoing goes unseen. When Dray Quintero learns his nineteen-year-old daughter Raven committed a heinous act, he covers it up to save her life. To survive, Dray must overcome the surveillance system he helped build and the technology implanted in people’s heads. Hunted and betrayed, with time running out, Dray must choose between saving Raven and dismantling the near-perfect society he helped create. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]