Those Three Words

I never thought getting fired from my dream job would change my life. And I certainly never imagined three little words would be my undoing. Trust me—they’re not the words you’re thinking. Those three delicious, toe-curling words whispered by my boss were where it all changed. When budget cuts at my local school leave me scrambling to find a job before I get evicted, I stumble upon the listing of a lifetime. How hard can being a live-in nanny for a little five-year-old girl be? Especially... [Read More...]

Ensure Educational Success: Innovative and Common Sense Strategies for Leading a School Culture Where Teachers and Students Thrive

Students are our future – but what if our current methods of instruction are jeopardizing that future? In a world of constant new initiatives and expensive “teach the teachers” courses, educators need to do more to effectively facilitate real connection that inspires learning for their students and results in lasting change for their classroom.In Ensure Educational Success, Chief of Schools Dr. Samuel Nix shares a new way of thinking for leaders that will positively impact student achieve... [Read More...]

Bad Mood Boss

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My grumpy ex. Maybe it’s because one of his new billion-dollar toys is broken and I’m the only one brainy enough to fix it. So sad. Sorry, not sorry. He thinks I’m stubborn, obnoxious, and worst of all, smarter than him. He’d be right. Tough situation for the hottie, for sure. But for me? I’m loving every crabby second of it. I love the offer he makes. This alphahole thing that he’s going to be calling the shots. And I’m here to fix th... [Read More...]

Free: Hollow Stars

As lead singer of popular, emerging rock band, Tracing Stars, Kennedy has the swagger of a badass, or at least she used to. While caught up in the booze, passion, and chaos of her first major rock tour, her dreams are erased by a string of ever-worsening blackouts. Now, the instability of her mind has landed her in a psychiatric hospital. Despite being convinced one of her tour mates sabotaged her, she lacks any evidence. Trapped in the asylum, she alternates between the past and the present de... [Read More...]

Free: The Lamb

When city detective Kate Monroe endures a bitter break up, her only option is to relocate back up north to the town of her birth, Barnsworth. She soon finds that her detecting skills are in demand, as a mysterious serial killer stalks Barnsworth’s streets seemingly picking victims at random. Who is this faceless killer and what is the link to “The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?” Only Kate Monroe and her colleagues can unmask, “The Lamb.” Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Compound 26

In a society ruled by sanctions and curfews, Dr. Meghan Forester emerges as the youngest and most promising scientist to join the fight against Makanza—the deadly virus that’s ravaged the world. Inside Compound 26, a giant government-controlled research facility, Meghan’s new job involves studying the Kazzies, the rare survivors who carry the virus and now exhibit supernatural powers. But as her work unfolds, Meghan’s horrified at the brutal and unethical practices the Kazzi... [Read More...]

Twin Secrets: A Dad’s Best Friend Secret Pregnancy Romance (Billionaire Secrets Book 1)

It was torturous to work for my dad’s best friend. When I say torturous, I mean that I had to tear my eyes away from his chiseled abs and gorgeous jawline. Until I just couldn’t… Dylan is a former SEAL turned CEO. Oh, how I wish CEOs weren’t that irresistible. As a self-made woman who never used her daddy’s resources, I have a ton of pride. I would never risk my career by sleeping with my boss. I would never destroy my reputation by falling into bed with my dad’s best friend. Or so ... [Read More...]

Heart of the Cottage Court Motel

Rebecca has one love in her life…her young five-year-old son. Unexpectedly, after a number of sudden changes in her well thought out plans, the single mother finds herself and her son living with her Great-Aunt Lettie in her big historic home in the small town of Spring Falls. Sheriff Connor Patterson didn’t expect to see Rebecca again…at least not until he heard that she was moving to Spring Falls. It wasn’t as if they were enemies but the last time they’d seen each other, it hadn’t... [Read More...]

Play It Like You Mean It!: Supercharge Your Playing and Let Your Piano Work for You

For the serious piano student who has mastered the classics, but now they want to take their playing to the next level. Emile teaches them how to put emotion into their playing so the pianists reach the hearts of their listeners and not just their ears. He combines method and mindset to help these pianists communicate through every chord and resonate with their audiences. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: The Vows We Keep (Vows for Life Book 2)

After leaving the priesthood, Tristan O’Connor finds himself single, unemployed, and looking for a place to live. He longs for a family life, but being an ex-priest isn’t a selling point on the dating scene. When an unfortunate accident brings Miranda into his life, he begins to believe love and the future he hopes for are possible. But life begins to throw unexpected revelations that complicate an already difficult path. Family upheaval, unexpected gifts, an unknown sister revealed, and hi... [Read More...]