Free: Small Talk Made Simple: 31 Techniques to Avoid Social Anxiety and Lead Genuine Conversations

Do you find yourself struggling to start conversations, and lack confidence when talking to new people? Perhaps you have always struggled with social anxiety, and you are sick and tired of letting it impact your social engagements and friendships. Or, maybe you were quite social in your younger years, but as you have gotten older you have become more socially anxious, and you want to revert back to your previous self. Whatever the reason is, if you suffer from social anxiety, this book is a mus... [Read More...]

Free: The Furnace of Leadership Development: How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World

Looking to become a successful leader with integrity and character in today’s world? Look no further than “The Furnace of Leadership Development: How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World” by Rick Davis. In this must-read book, Rick takes you on a journey through the challenges that leaders face, sharing his insights and experience gained from years of leadership in various settings. Whether you’re just starting out on your leadership journey or looking to ... [Read More...]

Free: Stop Depression: How to Successfully Break the Downward Spiral with Simple, Powerful Strategies and Reconnect with Yourself Without Struggle

This book is your personal practical guide that is created to help you overcome depression. Even if you see yourself being in the dark without hope of light, even if you see yourself completely immersed in the choking river of depression and negative thoughts, with the step-by-step approach that this book provides, you will be able to see pass depression and know that it is possible to overcome it. Depression does not belong to you and it’s time to be free from depression! Free on Kindle.... [Read More...]

Wellness is Your Business: A Step-By-Step Testing Method to Answer Everyday Health Questions

Are you a wellness entrepreneur looking for a unique approach? Set yourself apart from other practitioners, coaches, healers, consultants or wellness businesses. A Simple Health Test method will help you pinpoint exactly what your client or customer needs to transform their health. Explode your business and create additional streams of revenue! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Master Critical Thinking for Teens: The Complete Guide to Improving Decision-Making Skills, Mastering Problem Solving, and Conquering Logical Fallacies

It’s safe to say that teenage years aren’t easy. Not only do we often have our teachers and parents to contend with, but there are also people like our siblings, friends, and even the people we briefly meet each day. I can speak from experience when I say that as you leave your teen years, there are still a lot of things that won’t fit into place right away, and to get past that, critical thinking skills are an absolute must. In this book you will learn the complete guide to improving you... [Read More...]

DBT Workbook for BPD: Powerful Dialectical Behavior Therapy Strategies for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder in Men & Women | Manage BPD with a Science-Backed Action Plan for Emotional Wellbeing

Specially written with a profound and practical blend of therapeutic DBT skills strategies, personal anecdotes, and the latest scientific insights, this comprehensive dialectical behavior therapy workbook for borderline personality disorder reveals tried-and-tested lessons that challenge and motivate you to reclaim your emotions and work through feelings of fear, anger, abandonment, emptiness, jealousy, or insecurity. Are you ready to begin treating your borderline personality disorder? Then gr... [Read More...]

Be the Difference

Some books are simply books, and some are an experience. This one is a timeless, and heartwarming adventure that will impact the rest of your life. Like Indiana Jones searching for priceless artifacts, Award Winning Motivational Speaker, Sam Glenn has discovered the ONE WORD that inspires others to care more, contribute better, and live an extraordinary legacy. JUST ONE WORD! This one action word is the heart of every difference maker. This one word is your greatest influence to making your lif... [Read More...]

The Toxic Family Solution

#1 Amazon International Best Seller Are You Ready to Take Back the Life You Were Born to Live?” For eighteen frightening and painful years, a young boy was abused, neglected, and traumatized by his toxic family. He endured a lifetime of pain and suffering until one day, he decided to take back his life.” The Toxic Family Solution offers coping strategies to deal with harmful family members and outlines seven steps to reclaim your life after abuse. The author provides examples from h... [Read More...]

Happy Bastards: An Eye-Opening Guide to an Extraordinary Life and Not Oversleeping on What Matters Most

Happy Bastards is the kick in the ass you need to finally get off the couch and become the best version of yourself. If you’re sick of being miserable, unafraid of criticism, and are willing to completely reframe your thinking, then you’ll love Alex Monaco’s remarkable manifesto. Get your copy of Happy Bastards today for a special launch price of $0.99. This author’s take-charge guidance and wake-up call could lead to your dream life! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]