Fun Things To Do In Retirement : 365 Days of Fun, Inspiring and Unique Adventures for Life After Work Kindle Edition

Fun Things to Do In Retirement – 365 Days of Fun, Inspiring and Unique Adventures for Life After Work is a proactive guide aimed at retirees seeking to make the most of their post-work years. The book offers a wide range of suggestions, catering to various interests and budgets. It covers adventurous activities like skydiving and backpacking, local cultural escapades such as food festivals and art classes, tips for embracing modern digital trends, and ideas for staying fit and healthy dur... [Read More...]

Free Fall: Story 1 in the “Tales of Suspense” Series

In 1968, Della Adderly—an aspiring art director—strolls down Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue before settling into a seat at a little sidewalk French Bistro. As she is noshing on a cheese sandwich, there is a scream from bystanders and seconds later a body falls at her feet from twenty stories above. It is the woman she had just interviewed with for a job moments earlier. Accident? Suicide? Murder? The mystery—set in the high-stakes advertising world of the sixties—weaves its way through a co... [Read More...]

Stop Being Shy: A Guide On How To Talk To Anyone

Introducing Stop Being Shy, the perfect book to teach you how to talk to anyone, regardless of their status or the situation. Say goodbye to nights spent cowering in the corner at social events, and say hello to feeling confident striking up a conversation with anyone, even if they’re a complete stranger. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Remembering Passion: Sinclair Duet

Damien Sinclair is a force of nature, the beauty of a sunset over the ocean while capable of devastating hurricane-strength winds. At one time, he’d held my heart in his hands. That was until the day I walked away. I didn’t leave him because I didn’t love him. It was that loving him was too much, an all-encompassing affair. In his presence, I failed to exist. For two years, I worked to build a life free from Damien’s irresistible pull. I succeeded until one fate-filled afternoon I found... [Read More...]

Texas Sunset

Rachel Hayden is restless. So when a wild opportunity arises, she takes a leap of faith. Mason Freeman is determined to save his family’s ranch and Rachel’s arrival is a complication. How can he run her off when she’s all he’s ever wanted? They battle nonstop, yet everything changes when they join forces and Mason is in danger of losing his heart. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Moving Beyond Overthinking in Relationships

Do you regard overthinking as a method of keeping yourself safe from heartbreak in a relationship? There are much better coping mechanisms for dealing with relationship challenges. In Beyond Overthinking in Relationships, you will discover the missing ingredient in most relationships that is present in great ones. You will realize how to effectively communicate with your partner, unlocking the key to understanding and connection. Ditch the overanalysis, find emotional freedom, and spark intimac... [Read More...]

Free: Naughty Potty

  Adventure for toddlers Dylan woke up that morning with joy, on that day he felt like a really big boy. Because he felt brave, he decided to try, today he would say to his potty goodbye. Around noon time, later that day, his tummy grumbled; it had something to say! Ouch… his poor belly hurt so bad. Oh no, it was all those beans he had. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Strangeways to Oldham

Lady Amanda Golightly of Belchester Towers is a person in complete contrast to the stereotypical image of one of her breeding. She is short, portly, and embarrassingly forthright. If she wasn’t calling a spade a shovel, it was only because she was calling it ‘trumps’! On a visit to a local nursing home where an old business partner of her father’s is residing, she unexpectedly discovers a long-lost friend, Hugo Cholmondley-Crichton-Crump – and stumbles upon murder ... [Read More...]

The Latina President

“An unusually deep plot for a political thriller. An enthralling protagonist at the heart of a gripping tale. A suspenseful–and topical–tale of White House intrigue.” — Kirkus Reviews. U.S. President Isabel Tennyson (“Tenny”) is elected with a sweeping refrorm agenda. Powerful financial and political forces aim to destroy her first. $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Heal From Within and Reclaim Your Inner Self with Emotional Sobriety: A Comprehensive 12-Week Therapy Workbook for PTSD and Childhood Trauma to Break Toxic Cycles and Build Healthy Relationships

Unlock the path to healing, emotional balance, and lasting well-being in this transformative journey of self-discovery! In 12 weeks, you’ll break out of your toxic cycles and build a healthy relationship with yourself and others. You will learn everything you need to overcome childhood trauma and PTSD with this focused behavior therapy workbook. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]