Cellphone Photography Mastermind – Simple techniques for taking incredible pictures with iPhone and Android: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Great Photography

Chatting during a long beach walk, we realized that we have accumulated all of this knowledge and we wanted to share it so in 2012 we started taking Educational Photo-Tours through our company Photo School VIP. We have taught over 8000 students with an 80% repeat rate. We have turned the entire video course into this book so more people can afford to learn from us. We teach through the back roads of South Africa, on safari in Botswana, while exploring the hidden gems of Italy, through the footh... [Read More...]

Free: Mount Rainier National Park Photo Hiking

Join Debbie & Anthony on their Photo Hiking trek through Mount Rainier National Park. This less than 30-minute short read is a chronological photographic recap of their trek across this beautiful National Park as a mid-50’s couple. They provide tips, tricks, and lessons learned from their 44+ National Parks visited during their middle-aged years with the hope it will make your National Park experience more enjoyable. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]