The Vegas Pitch

This pitch could make or break my career. Not only will it set a personal record for the biggest account I’ve ever landed, but it could set my newfound company three years ahead of schedule for expansion. Thank god I’ve got Nate Bellinger on my team. Even though I had my reservations hiring the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on – he more than meets my expectations with his hard work and determination. Together, we’ve formed a solid team and play off each other perfectly. As we wa... [Read More...]

Free: Mafiosa Princess

Two men love her. But only one truly knows her. College Junior Giada Conti wants nothing more than to pursue a normal life fueled by her own choices. Unfortunately, she doesn’t realize her father’s business isn’t completely lawful, or how that fact will completely dictate her future. Pre-law student Adrian Patras is certain Giada is the perfect woman for him, until he meets her family and grasps the extent of his girlfriend’s naivete. As Adrian finds himself unwillingly pulled into the ... [Read More...]

Reluctantly Royal

She’d stopped believing in fairy tales until Prince Charming stormed her ivory tower . . . Gracie lost her father, her sister’s friendship, and her confidence in a single night. Now, her academic research in her sister’s new home—the Kingdom of Melesia—gives Gracie a second chance. But when she falls in love with the king’s brother, she’ll have to risk both her heart and her privacy to join him in his world. Oh, and there’s just a couple of other little things. S... [Read More...]

Free: Dive in Deep

Tall, dark, and gorgeous with cobalt-blue eyes. Just my type. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the billionaire owner of the resort we’re staying at. It’s our last girls’ weekend before my friends, and I go our separate ways, and it’s going to happen with a bang. Literally. Hopefully. It would be a first. No way I’m letting this one go. Not a chance. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Bad Boy Bachelor Thanksgiving

There’s only one thing I want spread out on my Thanksgiving table this year, and it’s not a turkey. It’s my new hire. My assistants keep quitting, and apparently I’m the problem. Surely not. I just haven’t found the right one. Until her. And of all places to find her—a pumpkin farm. There’s no way she’s cut out to work in my world, but I find myself offering her the job anyway. Maybe it’s because she’s desperate to save her family farm. No, it’s because I want her in my be... [Read More...]

Dangerous As Sin: An Antihero Romance Collection

When you love a villain, do you become one too? In a world of black and white, the gray in between just got more inviting. Laws are easily broken when you know how to bend them to your will, and so are we at the hands of these dangerous as sin men. Would you rather sacrifice yourself to save the world, or watch as the man before you destroys everything in his path to claim what is his… you? No one prepared us for this. No one could have predicted it. Monsters are determined by the eyes of the... [Read More...]

Free: Riled Reign

Demanding and aloof, the prince of Molave is the heir apparent to the sovereign state. Laden with secrets and responsibility, the future king has become a liability. After five years of marriage, even Princess Lucille is leery of her husband’s next move. To what lengths will the crown go to save the future of Molave? Princess Lucille’s fairy tale dream has turned into a nightmare. Is there hope for her marriage, her adopted country, and the future? As the curtain rises in the production of ... [Read More...]

Dashing Mr. Snow

“Maybe we can be a little naughty. You want to be naughty for me, right?” The last thing I expected to get for Christmas was being dumped by my boyfriend—after all, I’m always on Santa’s good list. But walking in on my naked boss and seeing his candy cane was an even BIGGER holiday surprise—one that has me headed straight for a lump of coal this year. Alex Snow, the billionaire CEO of Snow Communications and the only living heir to his family’s fortune, has a reputation for be... [Read More...]

Doctor’s Surprise Baby

Zachary is a successful surgeon, scorching hot, And my brother’s best friend, which makes him off limits. I’d be lying if I said there weren’t sparks between us. Sparks that soon turn into a raging inferno. It might be romantic being holed up in an exclusive beach front community, Except that my life’s in danger and I’m hiding a big secret from everyone. What happens when Zachary finds out that I’m carrying his baby? $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]