Pitching Sales!: A Complete Guide to Becoming a Sales Professional

With real-world experiences, expert insight, and a few anecdotes, Bryan Charleau walks you through what it takes to succeed in one of the most competitive professions, sales. Learn habits, techniques, and targeted efforts that will lay the foundation for early success and expedited growth. $5.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Personal Finance For Young Adults – 7 Simple Steps To Gain Financial Literacy, Become Debt Free, Generate Multiple Sources Of Income And Achieve Financial Freedom

Personal Finance For Young Adults is the right book for you as it will provide you seven simple steps to help you grow your wealth, become debt free, protect your wealth and become financially free. Building wealth consistently is a step by step process and as long you follow the steps provided in the book, you will be able to reap the results and grow your wealth consistently so you can really focus on what matters to you in life. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Cryptos and NFTs for the Stealth Investor

Cryptos and NFTs for the Stealth Investor is your ultimate guide to starting in cryptocurrency and navigating your way through the new technology that is NFTs. Cryptos and NFTs for the Stealth Investor begins with the history of cryptocurrencies. It then paints a picture of what it is and why you should start investing and further discusses cryptocurrency in the modern world, decentralized applications, and many more. In addition, the book also explores Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs—cryptograph... [Read More...]

Autism and Your Family Finances

The financial burden of autism is real. Many parents who have an autistic child struggle financially because not only do they have to pay out-of-pocket for more care and services for their child, but studies show they also tend to bring in less income. Yet, parents with autistic children can take control of their money, build wealth and secure their and their child’s future. “Autism and Your Family Finances” provides you with a road map to help you be successful with your money. $... [Read More...]

Airbnb Essentials for Hosts: Your Launchpad to Investing in Property for Passive Income

Whether you’ve got a room, or a property, or just looking to purchase an investment, this book will help you turn your spare housing into a cash-generating machine. We cover everything from how to get started, and marketing, to getting paid. A case study from successful Airbnb business owners is also included. Grab it while it’s on sale! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Digital Transformation in the Electronics Industry: Business and Technical Evolution in Electronic Components Procurement

In the digital age, steering your business to benefit from digital technologies is not only a differentiator but is increasingly becoming key to profitable growth. Smart, prudent implementation and deployment are necessary to pull off the change successfully. This book reflects the business challenges we have observed repeatedly, along with the best processes, resources, and tools to help companies in their journey. We have equipped many organizations in the Electronics Industry to benefit from... [Read More...]

Business Model Blueprint

Business Model Blueprint will reveal the secrets to building a business that succeeds beyond your wildest dreams. The magic formula lies in the formation of the business — the concept, planning, and strategy — before you ever open your doors to accept a customer into your organization. With so many businesses failing every day, Business Model Blueprint will take you through the process of laying out each key component that will propel your business to reach your goals. Whether it’s scalin... [Read More...]

Kings on the Rise: Step Into Your Destiny of Kingship and Wealth-Building, Spearhead Kingdom on Earth

Are you struggling with knowing the purpose and higher calling in your life? Did you know, God wants you to be a strategic and powerful leader on this earth? And to build wealth for the Kingdom? Multimillionaire global investor & Bible Teacher Wai-yee Schmidt wants to help you become all this and more! In this book, you will: Be activated in your identity as ‘KINGS’ Learn to boldly battle, succeed in life and recover your ordained sphere of influence Learn powerful keys to unlock wealth... [Read More...]

Climbing The Corporate Ladder with Speed: How To Begin, Manage, Change and Accelerate Your Career To Executive Management

Looking to kickstart your career, find your dream job and accelerate your career progression, become a Global Industry leader and retire into wealth not a pension? Climbing the Corporate Ladder is the book for you. In this compelling self-help book, Fene Osakwe begins by disabusing the reader’s mind of mentalities that can limit their potential in their corporate pursuits. Next, he shares practical, easy-to-digest knowledge for career growth using interesting stories and examples from his... [Read More...]

Free: Empathic Marketing™

How would your marketing and sales numbers improve if your potential customers were convinced you understood them and were there to help? Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. But until now, there has been no method or process for distilling, implementing, and leveraging empathy to increase your customers, make more sales, and rocket your business’s bottom line. Now, for the first time, Caldwell offers a simple 5-step process for unlocking your new... [Read More...]