In the Shadow of Gold: A Tale of the Lost Confederate Treasure

In the Shadow of Gold: A Tale of the Lost Confederate Treasure

April 1865. Richmond, Virginia. Two trains. One treasure. And a question worth millions.

As the US Civil War was drawing to a close, and Grant was about to take Richmond, two trains left the city in the dark of night. One carried Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet. The other carried the Confederate Treasury guarded by a young midshipman from the CSA Navy. A few weeks later, Davis was captured by Federal troops near Irwinville, Georgia, and the treasure…was gone. People have been speculating on what happened to the Confederate treasure for decades.

In The Shadow of Gold offers a fresh interpretation of this on-going mystery—imagining what could have happened to the millions in lost gold, silver, and jewelry, and the lives it could have changed for generations to come. $2.99 on Kindle.

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