Praying Things Into Existence: How To Pray Things Into Existence

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(Course Title: 21 Days To Answered Prayer: Link is in Chapter 4)

Call Unto Me and I will Answer You

Do you want to see manifestation of the prayers you are praying?

Do you desire to walk in the same levels of results of people like Daniel and Elijah?

If there was revelation that made it possible, would you follow it?

This book is simple and straight to the point. It teaches:

1. The secrets of the prayer life of Daniel that you can apply to you own prayer life and get results.
2. The secrets of the prayer life of Elijah that you can apply and get results in your own prayer life.
3. Secrets of the prayer life of Jesus Christ.

The combination of these secrets has also been highlighted into 5 powerful keys that could be applied for prompt results. 

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